Alec is enjoying 1rst grade. He lost one of his front teeth, and he is often concerned about his hair. Alec has entered that slightly obnoxious 7-12 year-old boy phase where he is frequently loud, doesn't always think before he acts, and goes back and forth from being a cuddly sweet little boy, to a cool, video game playing, tough guy. He is a great reader himself, but mostly loves our reading time together when I read something to him. Currently we are reading "The Magician's nephew" for the second time. It is the first Chronicles of Narnia book.
He had fun imagining giving a secret Valentine to a cute girl in his class, but chickened out at the last minute! He has lots of friends, but not one really close friend. He has playdates with friends a few times each week, and it's usually a different kid each time. Alec recently finished up basketball and is now taking swimming lessons. He really loves his swimming class. We expect a lot of Alec, and he does a great job helping at home. He picks up all the toys each night, holds Macy when I need him to, and keeps Max and Lily entertained so I can occasionally get a shower in or get dinner on. We got a Wii for Christmas, and he knows how to get it all set up better than I do! He is up to my shoulders now, but his feet are about the same size as mine. Alec has always been a very good boy, and we are so glad he is our oldest!!
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