Babies' First Birthday

Posted by Denise at 11:32 AM

Monday, June 8, 2009

On May 2, Max and Lily turned 1!! I can't believe they are so old!! It seems like I just brought my two little babies home and laid them side by side in the little pack-n-play in Boston. We were in St. George for their birthday party, at my sister's house. My mom was also able to come, so it was nice to have family there for the occasion. Max played with the cake more than eating it, and made a bigger mess! Lily was dainty about the whole thing, but she got more cake in her mouth!


Andrea Holley said...

Happy birthday Lily and Max! They are both so cute!

Shannon Forslund said...

Wow, we didn't even know that you had the twins. Your kids are all adorable!!! If we get to Cali any time soon we will definitly come and see you, but with this new baby it may be awhile! Good luck with #4 you will love it!

Valerie said...

I just love those two! They are so fun to watch! Lily is always ready to go, Max so laid back, both so sweet. Did I miss something? The Forslunds seem to have implied something about #4????
By the way, I will be speaking next week with Branden and am terrified. Wanna trade kids for speaking? You could sit with your husband:) You just spoke, what like 2 months ago, no big deal, right?